notes: im usually active sometimes too on my other social accs. dm's are always open if u want to talk⠀!

⌕⠀socials ^_^ 
── instaspotify

before you follow ੭

1 using capital letters and just write badly on purpose or joke! 2 I like to watch cartoon series and draw (most of the time) 3 sometimes having vents like tw of me 4 I am somewhat sensitive but you can count on me in any time you need.

dont not follow if ੭

basic dni criteria: (homo, trans and xenophobic, racist, pedos, toxic. etc). 1 sexual/gore jokes in srs 2 anti-hater of my friends 3 against of pronouns and identities 4 com/proshipper.

series: amphibia, toh, bojack horseman, inside job ... +

៹ ๋ boundarieslist

1 no she / her pronouns by myself, it make me uncomfortable.2 dont make "fun jokes" of my interests. (actually this are okay, but not if its a srs way about them).

3 kys jokes. I am not someone who finds it funny, so, pls dont.4 dont sexualize me about my look if we are not close friends.5 use tone indicators with me! (/j, srs, sa, gen, etc ...)